Documentation > CMS Template API Library > Input > ShowRadioButton(String,String,Dictionary[String,String],String,String,String,Boolean,Boolean)


Adds a group of radio buttons to the input screen. If the Optional: defaultValue, is provided the radio button will be initialized to the to the defaultValue. Using the Optional: helpMessage, will render help text.

public System.Void ShowRadioButton(String,String,Dictionary[String,String],String,String,String,Boolean,Boolean)


label The label of the field when displayed. System.String
fieldname The field name where the value will be stored. System.String
radioButtons A Dictionary that represents the radio buttons to display. The Key is the displayed on the input form, and the Value is what will be stored when selected Dictionary<String,String>
defaultValue Optional: The default value. The value provided will be what the radio button is initialized to. Leave this field blank to leave the radio buttons uninitialized System.String
helpMessage Optional: The help message. Displays a help message. System.String
popupMessage Optional: The popup help message. System.String
requiredField Optional: Mark the field required. Defaults to false System.Boolean
alwaysSend Optional: If true, the value of the field will always be sent from the frontend to the backend regardless of whether its state has changed. System.Boolean

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